Now that Dawn Siemer (that's me) is back after carpal tunnel surgery and tax season is over, we've finally had the time to send new issues of our newsletters, Michael Gray, CPA's Tax & Business Insight, Michael Gray, CPA's Real Estate Tax Letter, and Michael Gray, CPA's Option Alert and let our subscribers know about this new website!
So, welcome subscribers! You can now purchase our books online using your credit card. I promise our website will be kept up to date with our newest books and latest sale prices.
If you aren't a subscriber yet, and you'd like to know about our best sales and upcoming book releases and/or receive breaking tax news, click the links above to find out which newsletter(s) are right for you. Right now, they're all free. Michael Gray, CPA's Tax & Business Insight is our general tax newsletter, and Michael Gray, CPA's Option Alert is about taxation of employee stock options.
All our books are currently on sale for 25% off until May 31st.